Support for Anagram Solver iOS

 Instructions for Use

To Solve Anagrams: Enter all the letters in the anagram and tap solve, a list of possible solutions will be displayed.

To Solve Anagrams with Missing Letters: Enter all the letters that are known followed by a plus (+) for every letter that is unknown and tap solve, a list of possible solutions will be displayed. 

To Crossword Puzzles: Enter all the known letters in their correct position, with a period (.) for every position where the letter is unknown and tap solve, a list of possible solutions will be displayed. Then use the search-definition feature to look up the meaning of the word to help determine the correct answer.

Sorting: Use the sort function in the toolbar to sort solutions alphabetically or, if sub-anagrams are being shown, by length.

Sub-Anagrams: Use the sub-anagrams button in the toolbar to show smaller words that can be made from the letters that have been entered.

Troubleshooting: If the solutions are not what you are expecting or do not contain the correct answer, check the anagram entered for mistakes and check that any period (.) or plus (+) symbols are in the correct position.


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